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Saving Claire Toolbox: Review Your Meds

Pharmacist Louie Ladson from Lincourt Pharmacy explains how to review your medications and why.

If you take more than five medications of any kind, you have a 50% greater chance of having a fall risk.

Pharmacists and pharmacies are very much interested in fall prevention, because what they do with medications can cause falls.

MTM stands for Medication Therapy Management: someone takes a list of all your medications and finds out whether they are working to your benefit or there are problems.

If people, especially older people, fall, that can be the beginning of the end for them. So we want to keep them upright.

Our job is to keep them well and upright and enjoying life and not falling down.

So we don’t want any medications that will cause people to fall.

We want to have medications to help people stand up.

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